Paul Craig Roberts is the creator of Reaganomics and chairman of the Institute for Political Economy. He believes that economics can predict when a genocide is about to happen. Furthermore, he warns that another holocaust is on the horizon. And much like the Jewish people in the Weimar Republic during the years leading up to the rise of the NAZI’s, few see it coming.
The Jewish people were economically shunned and propaganda outlets went wild running the news that Jewish people had “privilege” and an economically unfair advantage. In other words, this is much akin to the stereotype of the “invisible knapsack” all whites today are told they wear. Much as latter on all the Jewish people were forced to wear the ‘Star of David’.
It is a paradox but white/liberal/progressive/leftists are marching their way down the path to their own destruction with Identity Politics.
Head on over to the next page to learn when Roberts predicts this genocide will breakout based on historical economic trajectories.
Absolutely! International gun range near my home
You do realize illegal numbers have reached 40 Million! We better get started fixing the problem!!!
This is why Trump needs to kick out all the illegals,theyre not supposed to be here,get them out.I dont feel a bit sorry for them,they have a country theyve distroyed,not gonna distroy ours.Tired of watching the left distroy what we have left!
Let’s get started I’m so tired of this$#%&!@*we do make 78 percent so we own the military the cops so come on let’s make this 1776
Hahahaha. Guess what we are sooo waiting
Well, that is why they are pushing this white supremiscrap! I’m white, I’m not rich and I struggle to make ends meat just like many Americans of all races! It is the Liberals and elites and neo evil greedy agendas that will lead the way to this if true!!! They might want to rethink their agendas as most of them are white and they have more to lose because they are the right CH and should hell break lose, it will be the rich whom they go after first because they will want what they have and own! I have nothing for them to take!!! And my and my family’s lives are all that matter to me, they can’t have those! Ever heard of don’t mess with a momma!!! Mommas will take you out to protect their families and you can take that as a promise!
Well, that is why they are pushing this white supremiscrap! I’m white, I’m not rich and I struggle to make ends meat just like many Americans of all races! It is the Liberals and elites and neo evil greedy agendas that will lead the way to this if true!!! They might want to rethink their agendas as most of them are white and they have more to lose because they are the rich and should hell break lose, it will be the rich whom they go after first because they will want what they have and own! I have nothing for them to take!!! And my and my family’s lives are all that matter to me, they can’t have those! Ever heard of don’t mess with a momma!!! Mommas will take you out to protect their families and you can take that as a promise!
Well as long as white people make it to the 4th of the month when they all run out of money we will be fine remember folks that’s about 2000 rounds of ammunition
First we have to stop the churches from taking these people.Each church will take 50 or more and sponsors them for two if not longer and the church will paid to do this.We have a few in Panama City Fl.
Ted, Muslims have been fighting and killing for 2000 years. They know exactly what they will be facing, unfortunately Americans will discover the horror as it descends upon them.