Paul Craig Roberts is the creator of Reaganomics and chairman of the Institute for Political Economy. He believes that economics can predict when a genocide is about to happen. Furthermore, he warns that another holocaust is on the horizon. And much like the Jewish people in the Weimar Republic during the years leading up to the rise of the NAZI’s, few see it coming.
The Jewish people were economically shunned and propaganda outlets went wild running the news that Jewish people had “privilege” and an economically unfair advantage. In other words, this is much akin to the stereotype of the “invisible knapsack” all whites today are told they wear. Much as latter on all the Jewish people were forced to wear the ‘Star of David’.
It is a paradox but white/liberal/progressive/leftists are marching their way down the path to their own destruction with Identity Politics.
Head on over to the next page to learn when Roberts predicts this genocide will breakout based on historical economic trajectories.
I will blow their fkn heads off and not lose a moment of sleep over it if they step foot on my property trying to hurt me or my family. And I’m sure there are millions that feel the same way.
This is an invading army, just waiting to destroy us from within.
Dumbest thing I ever read !
But then they could be talking about those folks that wear those pink knit hats and those that want to give all they own to the blacks that say we owe them…LIBERALS << yes them !
It looks like Mostly military Age Young Men. Go home & fight for your Country!
I live alone, in a virtual compound, with 3 pitbulls, 30k rounds of ammo. 750 lbs. of tanerite, a hellcat tank in my garage and have 3 neighbors that are ex marines and are equally as armed. Bring it bitches!
There certainly are a lot of parallels. Worth reading. Raise awareness.
We hve 150 million armed Americans who have another thought on that.
Learn to use it safely!
40 Million of them!!!!