James Stewart, the owner of Rawesome, was jailed for selling raw milk in California in 2012.
In this interview he talks about his treatment in jail, which included torture and being labeled a terrorist for selling his milk.
This is a story of how our country is quickly decending into a totalitarian state and should be seen by all.
Read More + Watch Video By Clicking The Link Below:
Rawsome Owner Jailed, Declared ‘Sovereign’ Terrorist
because it is exceptionally good for you, and we would need fewer medications and vaccines if it were leagal, it is in France and they on average are way healthier than the US population
Raw milk? How about raw drugs being sold, can’t the seller????
It won’t be long before you will have to process c**p before you flush it !!!!
baloney…..it is probably better than pasturized !!!
Wow this country is going complety nuts.
This country is gone to c**p as everyone knows. This is so stupid, people a long time ago, a lot of people used to drink raw milk and as far as I know, no one died,. This is crazy!!
You are correct they want to kill almost all of the people. The ones left will be slaves for the elite. It can and will happen if we do nothing.
Think agenda 21 they want us dead.
People need to wake up about Agenda 21 Obama care is part of it and it is right in front of them.Our own government is saying by the year 2025 there will only be 30 million in population so whats up with this.