James Stewart, the owner of Rawesome, was jailed for selling raw milk in California in 2012.
In this interview he talks about his treatment in jail, which included torture and being labeled a terrorist for selling his milk.
This is a story of how our country is quickly decending into a totalitarian state and should be seen by all.
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Rawsome Owner Jailed, Declared ‘Sovereign’ Terrorist
if he’s sovereign then lower courts cannot interact with him at all…unless he violated common law he should not have been touched…the gov and police are no longer following the laws they claim to enforce
This is so wrong!!!
So stupid.
This is going beyond – they allow illegal criminals to run all over our country and then arrest honest people selling a product that is much better for you than the c**p in the stores – this needs to stop
Free country……. not anymore
This makes me think that they may know something about what is going into our milk at the manufacture level that we don’t. After all, what ever the cow eats, is what we get.
Perhaps raw mil then came from their own cows..without additives and etc….but I agree sell and buy raw milk if you wish…this is America..
Raw milk is delicious! Any time I can get it I will.
As a kid, my brothers, parents and I drank milk minutes after the farmer milked the cows and poured it into our containers. We brought it home, creamy and delicious, and we survived. So much better than the watery junk we get today.
Communists are running the show, anything is possible with them.