James Stewart, the owner of Rawesome, was jailed for selling raw milk in California in 2012.
In this interview he talks about his treatment in jail, which included torture and being labeled a terrorist for selling his milk.
This is a story of how our country is quickly decending into a totalitarian state and should be seen by all.
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Rawsome Owner Jailed, Declared ‘Sovereign’ Terrorist
I told my ER Dr I felt like I got food poisoning when I ate out with a friend. But that I usually drink raw milk. The dam Dr turned in my farmer to the Can dept of ag. To shut down our legal dairy. It was a contract two cow private herdshare. 2 cows. Turned into a political nightmare. Finally the sheriff said at our county bos meeting he will not be the milk police.
By the way I had no raw milk pathogens and my farmer continues to produce the cleanest most nutritious raw milk. The milk tests so far below govt test standards it was ridiculous.
Nonsense! Didn’t give somebody free milk?
Now we’re calling people who sell or drink raw milk “terrorist”? BUT NOT GUNMAN WHO KILL OUR MARINES!!! in our own backyard. I drank raw milk as a kid and it didn’t kill me or turn me into a terrorist.
It’s Cali, what the heck do you expect???
Milk, it does a body good
It’s MY body and MY health (MY decision!!) , so if I choose to purchase and consume raw milk, it should be none of ANYONE’S business – especially not the government or law enforcement’s business. Our over-stepping government needs to F-off!! They are against raw milk because it has so many health benefits that it will take away profits from the so-called “medical” industry and pharma companies.
What the FDA isn’t telling us is that milk that is pasteurized is bad for your arteries.When milk is heated it changes the molecular structure to where there are sharp edges that scratches the lining of your arteries which cause platelets to stick.
<<<>><<< As a kid Thats All we Had >>><<>>>
Come on America, the rest of us need a push off as well!!!