James Stewart, the owner of Rawesome, was jailed for selling raw milk in California in 2012.
In this interview he talks about his treatment in jail, which included torture and being labeled a terrorist for selling his milk.
This is a story of how our country is quickly decending into a totalitarian state and should be seen by all.
Read More + Watch Video By Clicking The Link Below:
Rawsome Owner Jailed, Declared ‘Sovereign’ Terrorist
Who dreams up this C**p?
WTH!!!! This is absurd!!! Aren’t there any ILLEGALS or CRIMINALS to go after??????
would the founding fathers have thought we should crack down on raw milk drinkers? What? the founding fathers drank Raw Milk!!!! They were more concerned with defending their lives against a tyrannical foreign ruler.
Its is Raw milk not heated and pasteurized..But I would soo buy the Raw over the heated If I could even get it by someone who could be trusted without stuff added in
This is our government at work. They do not want you healthy, they don’t want you going back to natural food. Most of all, they don’t want you growing your own food. They want you to be weak, and when the time comes (and its coming) they want you hungry, they can control you that way.
We drank so called raw milk . Were still alive!
There are definitely a bunch of flaming idiots out there ….
Raw milk is healthier than processed milk. They don’t want us having access to healthy food. GMO is to control our food supply. Big pharma. And Monsanto is trying to rid the world of organic raw food. And keep us sick. They are out to control us and repopulate the world. Those that have the food control the world.
Another case by the Eugenics programs.It must of messed up genetic research or the making sick,disabled,and more of the intended victims to justify they were genetically inferior even though made that way by what was added to the milk so Eugenics programs can kill them off by myriads of means from pharmaceuticals to vaccines,to no consent human experiments.it makes certain people disabled etc so they feed them psychiatric pharmaceuticals to m$#%&!@* murder them by Eugenics.and more.