James Stewart, the owner of Rawesome, was jailed for selling raw milk in California in 2012.
In this interview he talks about his treatment in jail, which included torture and being labeled a terrorist for selling his milk.
This is a story of how our country is quickly decending into a totalitarian state and should be seen by all.
Read More + Watch Video By Clicking The Link Below:
Rawsome Owner Jailed, Declared ‘Sovereign’ Terrorist
Government overreach.
Raw milk problem is the least of our worrys. But your right raw milk is the best if kept sanatry.
Oh quick call in the Marines, this guy is a real threat to our national security.
No deal
We had free range chickens all our lives growing up; eating fresh eggs and going to the dairy for raw milk. I became lactose intolerant drinking pasteurized milk. Pasteurization kills all the nutrients
My father grew up on raw milk. He was very healthy and had beautiful teeth.
Yep, he’s real dangerous…ha ha