Raven-Symoné, like many in the LGBT entertainment community, is a nut job obsessed with her “gayness” and everything LGBT. That focus overwhelms everything else on earth, including the worst mass shooting murder in American history by a Muslim terrorist.
Yes, murderer Omar Mateen killed 50 patrons at a gay bar. But he scouted out Disneyworld before that, and it is clear that Mateen first and foremost wanted to kill Americans of whatever stripe, yet Raven-Symoné focused on it being a “hate” crime because gays were killed. She is not only out of her mind, she is very short sighted because of what the larger picture is.
See page 2 for more:
actually it was when she went thru the ‘disney machine’ did she lose her mind…yes she is a disney product-just like lohan spears cyrus…list goes on but hopefully you get my point as to the mentality of these ppl
Truth and Action quit paying any attention to her! No one cares about this “has-been”!
Coming from a dumb$#%&!@*with a rats nest on her head…
Raven shows again why she is a total idiot!!!!!
Trump in 2016!!!!!
Tell that to Clinton and Obama his dad has been to the Whitehouse
Her hair is a hate crime
It has been just reported that at least one is dead from an ISIS knife attack on a policeman in Paris, France! ISIS took credit not just for it but also the Orlando attack! Seems like a declaration of war to me, people!
Go home your a moron