After years of being mocked and threatened without any attempt at accountability on the part of the media, Sarah Palin has said “enough!” and is ready to fight back.
Earlier this week, Azealia Banks, a rapper known for her inflammatory statements, went on an extended rant against the former governor of Alaska after reading a satirical article in which Palin reportedly made positive statements about slavery.
Completely ignoring the humorous tone of the article (much less the fact that Palin never uttered such a reprehensible statement), Banks proceeded to call for the governor to be sexually assaulted by a gang of men.
Facing widespread criticism for her awful remarks, Banks penned a passive-aggressive “apology” for Palin and effectively absolved herself of blame. Palin, however, isn’t having it: instead, she is preparing to launch a lawsuit against Banks “on behalf of all reasonable women of every age, race, and political leaning.”
Banks’ better lawyer up, because I doubt the judge is going to accept “it was just a joke!” as a defense.
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Sarah, shouldn’t even be responding to this racist$#%&!@* She is a Typical Black racist progressive democrat.$#%&!@*her!!!
Sue the hell out of her. You should file criminal charges against her too if you can. Keep your head up. WE are on your side.
The rapper was just recounting a pleasurable experience she had as a teenager at a family reunion
Filthy hoodrats are as bad as muslims
This whatever the hell her crappy music? female needs to be
In jail for inciting rape. Stupid racist.
And people actually wonder where the roots of racism comes from, it sure as hell does not come from anyone alive today having been a slave…it sure as hell does not come from this rappers lack of opportunity in her imagined white mans world; she seems to have received opportunity enough or is she wallowing in poverty ? There are hundreds and hundreds of thousands of white people who have not attained her degree of financial success, her opportunities, her privileges….and yet here we have her despicable mouth full of trash talking, back biting racist profanity; that cannot even restrain itself to curses or slurs but has to actually call for physical assault of the most hideous nature, simply because someone chooses to support a Candidate that she don’t like! That c**p borders on insanity…what are you going to do, take up arms against every white person, every black person, every short, tall, fat, skinny person for being free thinkers…get a grip and get laid…you must be feeling deprived, and after you recover go get psychiatric help, and if you can’t afford it……..there are social support groups available at no cost to the brain dead… know being a arrogant$#%&!@*is only good for a short while, it gets attention and draws in other arrogant asses…then it passes away in the silence of boredom…because people just don’t value this sort of immature arrogance; because it accomplishes noting worthwhile.
go Sarah – get her
Suing Banks for exercising her 1st amendment rights. Good one.
Hope they arrest this sick person.
Ms. Palin. Sue that monkey!!