A Cologne woman who came forward to offer her account of being sexually assaulted on New Year’s Eve is being attacked a second time. A Internet video surfaced giving out her identity and suggested her of her attack was Islamophobic.
What is infuriating about this isn’t the usual Leftist criticism that disapproving of open-border immigration policies is racist, but how much more insidiously hypocritical it is. When women come forward with stories of sexual assault in this country, the social justice warriors are quick to leap to their defense. But now this poor woman’s story is not only being trivialized, she’s being called bigoted simply for stating the facts as she experienced them.
What’s at stake here isn’t just the shifting of German national identity, which can be fairly debated, but that this cultural shift is now trying to deny private citizens from safely coming forward to recount a criminal act on no other basis than it’s a White woman saying “Southern looking” men with “dark skin” assaulted her.
Get outraged on page 2.
I’m so sorry for this girl but proud too. I hope she stands strong because her countrymen are being invated and it looks like there going to have to force there government to protect them if it’s not already to late. Her and all citizens need to stand, force there gov to stand and run these terrorist, free loaders out.
God told us that people would persecute and degrade what is Truth! The Left is evil! They speak out of both sides of their mouths! Praying for this raped victim!
true to form attack the victim thats how the left does it over and over
Blaming the victim
Where are the liberal feminists?
Government should forcibly give those outlaws sex changes…
… just because some classless fcukwit calls her “racist” .. does not make it truth.
If you carried you could have probly solved your problem yourself;::::
call the hit squad…922..we make hits on short notice…
Libtards want people of neutral gender and now neutral race!!