Rapper P. Diddy caused jaws to drop in a cringeworthy interview when he said that President Obama, in return for them helping carry him to the White House, should pay the black community billions worth of dollars before his second term ends.
Even his host on New York’s Hot 97 radio station was shocked by Diddy’s statement, charitably trying to frame the hip hop superstar’s comments as a request for Obama to invest more in jobs for African-Americans, but Diddy stood his ground and made it clear that he meant for the president to pay a direct lump sum to black voters who supported him in 2008 and 2012.
Click below to see the rest of Puff Daddy’s outlandish diatribe:
HOW About SENIORS–Many Seniors VOTED For HIM–(Thanks to GOD –I”M NOT ONE of THEM).
So this is how Obama got elected! Blacks and dead people’s votes!
he does pay them billions for all the welfare, food stamps, housing , day care education whatever they want
Ha ha
What a load of c**p! To many drugs bonehead!
we have all ready given them $ 18.Trillion since LBJ was in office how much more do they wan’t
REALLY! P. Diddy your stupidity is showing, always wanting something for nothing, need a Welfare check and Food stamps too Diddy?
90% of us have been victimized by the Network of Global Corporate Control; but, they are no longer in hiding. http://www.plosone.org/article/info%253Adoi%252F10.1371%252Fjournal.pone.0025995
2orth 6ast 5outh 3est .
2025 555025 62’25
2’6 5 655 66 2022356222202 62236 226 26366352236 66 5’523 66 32 666365
2523622622 62 66 0
66636 2652225; 25
2’6 5 3262 6525 26
‘36552252536’ 622
302236 626 565 6306326265 36523665 26 5022 655 66 ‘5632256565’
223262563622, 202262025, 02 5 2236
26226 2022525202 66
3522636 3666266
60232522, 5 55 5232636 665 20252663522025
55522665 222, 2655
3652622 2022 5236563622 5 56202252236 62’25
6 5 6525 6’22 63563656 6’6202222522025 6’22 22625262 2565656 66 552523 56
2022622 665 6625665
02 665 6530565 66
626562’22 6’52236.
66 3636 626 565
2036365 6625622
362636 203626 6’226
22222226 66 35226365 66 202265
565 365522025
23603252265 62236
60265 02 62236
263663522365, 565
620222522025 6’226
66350226 6625622
552523 66 62226362265 35226365 2025 565
5566225 5262222252225 665
6625665 62 665 6530565 66 626562’22 6’52336.
2655 26 36362 655 62
62652202 55 ‘3655226’ 665 522222665 02
52622222522025 52252 3566032665
50662 55525 556
20226 55 3556526
22552635656 62
226635255656 66 55
55 30225626 652
203656263622 252236556 62 6262
6256526 523 565 65565, 626556 626
5022 55 52056226
665 56225 622
5’5555255622 02
5’665255623 665
225665 5036365 622
20236255022622 5
502 503362.
55525 20336 226
30225626, 5525562
50236 656322 5’656563, 6362636
502 65503 62 655263
6525 56 2265.
35666556-202 626
2022 26 626 22 5025,
522023 66 202, 652
202, 6525 226 20336
6222636226, 5025
22 52236 556622,
3525 20250235 202.
2025 25255025, 6023
52252 6236, 63052502363622 6265626 6532.
2’652 662 5 662 626
2025 203605025 62
2025 56 5262 66 20236 0326226 6023
6 252236 56365 2026,
62 225626 5023 6525
50662 55525 5562
20226 55 3556526
22552635656 62
226635255656 66 55
55 30225626 652
203656263622 252236556 62 6262
6256526 523 565
65565, 626556 626
5022 55 52056226
665 56225 622 5’5555255622 02
5’665255623 665
225665 5036365 622
20236255022622 5
502 503362.
55525 20336 226 30225626, 5525562 50236 56322 5’656563, 6362636 502 65503 62 655263
6525 56 2265.
Obama and Michele could have, but they spent it all on vacations.