Charlie Rangel is a crook and a cheat. In 2008 he was charged by the House of Representatives Ethics committee, and found guilty on eleven counts, including not reporting rental income and income tax improprieties. He was removed from the Ways and Means committee as a result, which directs how money is spent by the government. But he has been a loud-mouth and a divisive, partisan hack since his earliest days in the House, but it seems that his style and ethics are to the liking of the Democrat party and his New York constituents, and he is the second longest serving member in the House.
Never short on opinions, he suggests that the financial recovery under Barack Obama has not been strong enough or fast enough (true), but his answer is to expand the meme of “social justice” which generally means more welfare, reparations for slavery, and whole host of other giveaways to his African-American supporters. In the video on the next page Rangel also shows how challenged he is with actual U.S. history, and it is clear that many of his positions are founded on ignorance of the facts.
See page 2 for embarrassing Rangel comments:
total b******t. the democrats are responsible for the KKK.
Wrong answer Chuck.
Better learn your history as the democrats initiated and supported the KKK
what a lie read your history book.
He is full of$#%&!@*the Democrats founded the KKK at the end of the Civil War to harass the blacks in order to put them back into slavery. They have been doing this every since and the black leaders have gone along with and became rich by it!!
Democrats started the KKK! They didn’t vote to free the slaves or give them the right to vote! BUT, just keep voting for them!
What is wrong with you Charles. Did you ever read the history of the Klan? For the love of God! The KKK was and still are democrats.
Not, ur democratic party did , do some home work , ya get paid enough, stop all the bad roomor’ s with some facts !! That Will freak ur friends up !!
Such a liar, it can be proven too