“I can’t imagine any use for bayonets in an urban setting,” stated Sen. Rand Paul to Senate Homeland Security Committee at a hearing last year.
“I can’t answer what a local police force would use a bayonet for,” Alan Estevez said.
Paul snapped back “None”
Rand Paul is completely correct, of course, that there is no need for bayonets in local law enforcement. Bayonets are for hand-to-hand combat in battle and the only purpose is to kill.
Of course you wouldn’t!
28 yrs on the police force and can’t see martial law unfolding. WoW
Another binded citizen
Cops need bayonets then all of America better hang onto the weapons you have because you will need them.Plan on civil war because obummer will and has just about called maritial law.Know stopping obummer now the congress already gave him the power.
Well it’s not Obama!
It’s his bosses. Obama is expendable.
Dumbest$#%&!@*yet. This is a story void of details with a picture of two soldiers from an Asian country. I starting to think this site is being run by liberal democrats.
George Gater Ray, I don’t get this whole calling the public civilians, police are civilians they are not in the military and the police force is not a paramilitary unit, or at least it’s not supposed to be. We are not civilians, we are citizens. The police are just an extension of the community and the citizens of a community have the same policing powers as the police because the police derive their power from us.
The bayonet was obsolete by 1861….Actually far earlier than that with the introduction of rifled barrels… Just like the sabre….
Why do I need to learn how to read? My point is why are you telling something to do, and learn about, something you don’t know.
Wyaytt they think, act, dress, and carry weapons like they are around here.