“I can’t imagine any use for bayonets in an urban setting,” stated Sen. Rand Paul to Senate Homeland Security Committee at a hearing last year.
“I can’t answer what a local police force would use a bayonet for,” Alan Estevez said.
Paul snapped back “None”
Rand Paul is completely correct, of course, that there is no need for bayonets in local law enforcement. Bayonets are for hand-to-hand combat in battle and the only purpose is to kill.
My bet would be you have never had Military training on crowd control!
Good question
No law enforcement agency or those who work for it have no rights to be using bayonets for use on civilians! This is a last result implement designed for hand to hand combat not police officers dealing with any civilian, whether the person is a criminal or someone rioting for what ever reason! I found no need for them when I was in law enforcement and there is NO justifiable reason that LEOs today should have them!
John Tyranny you are either an idiot with no knowledge of what it is like to be a LEO or too stupid to be in our society today. Before you make the ignorant remarks that you hold onto, get off of your dead$#%&!@*and go for a few ride alongs and see what these men and women do day and night to keep your sissy butt safe from harms way!
well need them
Then cops wonder why people are shooting back.
Vote trump
But the police are enforcing those policy’s on their own people.