While the CDC has been telling us that Ebola isn’t very contagious, that it can only be transferred by the exchange of bodily fluids, Rand Paul, who is a physician, states the complete opposite.
Obama is handling the threat with such nonchalance is seems as if he wants to bring Ebola to the US.
Click the link below for more info plus watch video:
Everything Obama says is a lie.
rand paul
Obama has showed that he is truly a fool…time after time!
Rand Paul, of course
Saliva and mucous are body fluids and can be distributed to others by sneezing or coughing. CDC admits the virus can live on surfaces for several hours. The hazmat cleansing of the patients’ residences is evidence.
I cannot accept anything Obozo has to say. He’s lied way too much, and it seems that every time his lips move, he’s just a liar, and needs to be bitch slapped.Rand Paul is absolutely right, and Obama wants us all dead.
Obama is smarter than all of us. He knows there are 57 states and that Austria is a state or some stupid thing as that and the work Corps is pronounced “Corpse”. This folks from someone who supposedly went through and graduated from college. Really? Ann Cummins.
Ron Paul !!! Obama is a Traitor!!!!! He goal is to Destroy America!!!! Check All his Actions during his 2nd Term!!!!!
YES HE DOES JUST ANOTHER WAY FOR OBAMA TO DESTROY US SIGN MY PETITION TO IMPEACH OBAMA http://www.thepetitionsite.com/860/901/608/demand-the-impeachment-of-the-president-of-the-united-states/
makes me not want to go out in public without a mask and gloves on.