While the CDC has been telling us that Ebola isn’t very contagious, that it can only be transferred by the exchange of bodily fluids, Rand Paul, who is a physician, states the complete opposite.
Obama is handling the threat with such nonchalance is seems as if he wants to bring Ebola to the US.
Click the link below for more info plus watch video:
He is constructing any type of situation to bring down our country as we know it.
Of course obam wants to bring Ebola to us so well die ?
definitely no one associated with obama or his teams, he is a joke and a total idiot..
rand paul rules!
{ HE DOES } !!!!!!!!!
Send Obummer to Africa to learn about Ebola!!! I believe Rand Paul! The others are Obutt A$$ Kissers!
There is only ONE in this share that speaks TRUTHFULLY, and it is NOT NOBAMA or the other that speaks for whatever he’s told to. THANK GOD for Rand Paul having the ability to speak the FACTS, and show his concern for people and country! Thank God for people of HONOR!
all these ignorant people still haven’t figured out Obama’s planned destruction of America. He’s a foreign born muslim tool of the u.n. Get rid of him and get rid of the u.n. now before it’s too late to undo all the damage he is doing to our country.
If I had the money I would buy round trip tickets for African people to fly to DC to visit the White House
Why would anyone even ask that question? Of course it`s Rand Paul I believe. Obama and his gang of thugs have lied at every turn.