Chicago’s reputation has taken a considerable hit in the years since Rahm Emanuel took charge of the city — but Emanuel doesn’t seem very interested in tackling the city’s biggest problems.
Despite a sky-high murder rate, this week, Immanuel announced plans to move forward with a plan to help illegal immigrants remain in Chicago.
Decreasing the number of illegal immigrants in any given city is an easy fix to help decrease the crime rate. Not only are these individuals criminal by definition, they also tend to be less educated, less wealthy, and altogether more predisposed to a life of crime. Considering they have no right to live in the United States to begin with, complying with federal law enforcement should be a no-brainer. The city gets to rid itself of needless crime and ICE has an easier time enforcing immigration law.
But Emanuel has no plans to comply with ICE. Instead, he’s improving illegal immigrants’ access to city services.
See how he’s implementing the absurd plan on the next page:
He is an evil man on a power trip. He only cares that these illegals will be in debated to him and will vote to keep him in office {even though they are not suppose to vote)!
This man belongs in jail for breaking the laws of this country. Actually UNDER the jail might be a better optionď
President???? Ewww! How disgusting!
Who made this guy God?
We need to stop the madness and take care of the AMERICAN people first
Let him use his own paycheck.
ARREST THIS ASSCLOWN!!! Traitor politicians need long prison sentences!!! People of their states need to remove them and sue them for all the corruption they have brought to that state!!! Ovomit criminals!!!
War isnt against Mexican Americans. It’s against people in America ILLEGALLY stealing taxpayer money
Illegals cant legally vote but you really think that stops them, especially when Obama encouraged them?