Hillary Clinton has been facing a lot of accusations about her health recently, and with more and more medical professionals giving their opinions on the matter, perhaps she really does have a problem and her campaign is doing everything they can to cover it up. After all, it wouldn’t be the first time Hillary Clinton hid the truth from the American people. That’s become par for the course for her. But what ties all of these accusations together is her handler, who was seen carrying a Diazepam pen. There’s that and video proof of her having a siezure after being flustered by some protestors during one of her rallies.
So perhaps it’s time people started taking this matter seriously. Though she never was fit to be president, now she’s even less so.
A board-certified diagnostic radiologist by the name of Dr. Milton R. Wolf has come forward and said that Hillary has a “serious underlying disease.” Not only are her handlers carrying around Diazepam pens, but she’s also being given Coumadin, which is a blood thinner used to prevent heart attacks, strokes and blood clots.
Read what Wolf had to say about it on the next page.
It’s called fullashititis
I hope for your wife’s sake you got a lot of life insurance.
This Dr better be careful. People have shown up dead for less!
the DNC and obama are counting on killery going close enough to the election, to where her incapacitation, death or indictment will give obama and the dna and excuse to attempt to stop the election and stay in power. Be aware…
Probably aids, that she contracted from slick willy.
Why haven’t we seen any More/New/Modern pictures of Hillary up close? Maybe this has something to do with it?: Hillary has a Medical situation, She fell down earlier in these years (2012 and again in 2016) and had smashed her head severely which put her out for a while (this has happened 3 times), Her family has a history of Heart Attacks resulting in Death, she has had Blood Clots and is on Blood thinner, Her doctor told her that she should only work 2 hours per day, She cannot remember that she had ‘Classified’ Document Training, then her eyes are crossing more and more, then there’s the Seizures…Oh the Seizures (Which seem to be set off when she hears any loud and sudden noises), Then, Recently her Secret Service team had to intervene because she was talking incoherently and was confused, she cannot even ascend a flight of stairs without assistance on both sides. She needs urgent medical attention. And she’s becoming more Disoriented by the day. She’s now wearing ‘Hardware’ to help her amble, but she still needs ‘Handlers’ to stabilize her. How can she even think about being the POTUS if she cannot even have the Stamina to stand at her own Rallies, She needs a Chair now, plus, She is required to wear Glasses to correct her Seizures. Ever notice that she’s wearing her Heavy Pants Suits even in the hottest of weathers? You wouldn’t do that unless you are hiding something (Colostimy bag). And now Hillary’s been canceling her Campaign stops and you hardly see her standing, and even if she does, there is a chair near by. Now Hillary is wearing an EXO-Skeleton to help support her and make herself look healthy (some Techie needs to Hack it and make her do the ‘GOONIES’ Chunk Dance). For a while now, people have been seeing her Coughing uncontrollaby, so bad that she cannot speak even after having a cup of water. They say the Colostimy Bag is because she has Parkinsons disease. http://www.libertywritersnews.com/2016/08/hillarys-health-records-just-leaked-say-will-ruin/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_kmRB4a33_o https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_8AO5MDBEw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OqbDBRWb63s and… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zXXy4bvCHFE
the Lord is working things out and Trump will win
The American Public DESERVES BETTER!