With a name like Sunshine, one would think she would be all hope and happiness. Hardly so! Sunshine Sullivan is a racist, black woman who somehow calls for the killing of whites on her radio show unmolested by police.
She is a self described “militant non-compliant Negro” who embraces the beliefs of Malcom X and is promoting an event on September 11 called #FYF911 on Twitter and Instagram, which stands for F*** Your Flag.
When responding to a reporter regarding her support of the ideology of Malcom X that white people should be killed, she stated, “You’re damn right I do. You think I’m scared to say that to you? Yes, you do need to die… I think everyone else on the planet will have peace if you’re dead.”
Read more + hear her show on page 2:
Thank you Eric an intelligent man!!!!
The arrests have begun Black Pansey arrested in St Louis attempting to buy pipe bombs
Or when diggers are dead
Yea but they have way more babies than whites do so we will always be outnumbered unless we change things.
Uh, Rita don’t think they outnumber us just yet.
Come gitcha some!
Sick of your loud mother bs…
Come get it,
I’m waiting
don’t go to Il.
What i find funny is freedom of speech is highly regarded right? Agree or not on its level of stupiditt is irrelevant, but he has a right to say it.
Maybe there will be peace when you are arrested and thrown in jail and we don’t have to see your face anymore. And racists remarks of course won’t get you in trouble only if you are white and make one,the media goes wild…………..
Someone needs to.put him out of his miserable misery and fast