Rachel Maddow: President Trump “Wants to Kill Us”

NBC’s foundering ship in the wayward seas of the Trump administration has allowed Rachel Maddow to emerge from her MSNBC cage and actually took off the manacles in order to help breathe some audience support into their failing late night “news show” structure.

Late Night with Seth Meyers featured a bought-and-paid-for MSNBC-style Maddow rant, complete with her feigning fear of being murdered in her sleep by the Brown Shirts in the White House.

In speaking about the Trump administration being “different from every other presidential administration” she complained about the fact that it did not accommodate her busy schedule of show prep.  Normally, administrations “create news they know we might want to cover,” she explained, obviously referring to the micromanagement style of the former president’s press release staffers.  In this administration, “the news is not made by them, it’s made ABOUT them.”

Of course, we are all aware that President Obama NEVER made the news about HIM…as he referred to himself 118 times during his first Inauguration Speech.

“We’ve never had a president who’s more addicted to news about himself…or more responsive to news…the same news that he supposedly thinks is so worthless.”

Maddow went on to complain that they were waiting until the last minute to release information, that the press corps wasn’t able to bounce back and have the ability to “prepare” their programs (translation:  the Liberal press doesn’t have enough time to “spin” the news in their favor before they have to go on the air…dammit!

According to her, the First Amendment is under attack by this administration!  Hello, Rachel?  Have you not heard what happened to Milo Yiannopoulos, Ann Coulter, and the Rose Parade?

“It’s a very dangerous time for the First Amendment, for the free press in this country.  We have a First Amendment!  You can’t change that,” she complained.

Listening to her, one suddenly gets the visual of Maddow’s comments juxtaposed or split-screened with the Berkeley masked rioters as they’re beating a transformer box with a baseball bat and arsonists starting automobile fires.

She then coalesced.  “And at the same time, we’re oddly influential with the guy who wants to kill us.”

Oh, yes, Rachel, Donald Trump cares what you think as a news block.  He Tweets his opinions and policies right past your news windows and you don’t have a chance to spin it.  You’re constantly reacting to what he puts out, but somehow in your mind, he hangs on your every word.

Meyers, in an attempt to win back control of his own show, remarked, “It’s like a serial killer who’s clearly in love with the person who’s trying to arrest him.”

Maddow quickly elucidated, “The press is Clarice and he [Trump] is Lecter!”

The Liberals have gone off the deep end due to the fact that they’ve been dealt a Conservative hand and don’t know how to handle not being able to control what the American people think.

George Orwell would be proud today to see the defeat of those who believe that “thoughtcrime” is punishable.



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