Rachel Sabiha Johnson.
The name doesn’t ring a bell? Well, it doesn’t for most Americans, so consider yourself a normal citizen. Johnson is a pampered elitist member of the upper crust of British society. Think of her as the Paris Hilton of British politics. There are many reasons why this woman has opted to speak out against the Brexit supporters and has been a staunch “Remainer” for all this time.
Johnson is an editor, journalist (I don’t like her already), television presenter (even more so now) and author based in London. Now, this is already enough to not like the woman, being that she is a purveyor of Fake News. But this woman is the equivalent of a toxic mixture of Chris Matthews, Andrea Mitchell, Paul Krugman, Bill Maher and Ben Affleck; in other words, a horribly disfigured conglomeration of all the worst qualities of human beings when it comes to despising their country, its history, and hiding an insidious secret hatred of people they purport to represent.
STAUNCH Remainer Rachel Johnson launched a scathing attack on pro-Brexit Britons, calling on the Government to ignore the “will of the people”.
The pro-remain British journalist urged the Cabinet to “find a spine” and hold a second vote on the final Brexit deal agreed with Brussels.
Johnson said: “It’s the will of the people, what’s the alternative? I say there is an alternative before we self-destruct with a no deal or a bad deal.
“Find a spine and allow Parliament to have a proper vote on the deal before we go over the cliff in a bucket. And to hell with the will of the people: leave this one to the MPs!”
The MPs refers to the Members of Parliament. To give you a clear idea of what she’s saying, let me give you an equivalency.
Let’s say, Stephen Colbert arrived in Congress (again) and shouted to the Congressional body in a tantrum: “You members of Congress need to get off your asses and vote to end the 2nd Amendment now, regardless of what the Constitution says or what the people want! Find a spine and do it now!”
How far would that go, do you think? And how long before Colbert would never work in television again…at least profitably?
Well, that’s exactly what this Johnson character did in the British Parliament. “Yes, the people voted to get out of the great and powerful European Union, but screw them! We need to remain in this exalted organization!”
There is even more to know about this woman who is hiding a terrible secret and who is certainly bent on keeping the borders open and free for certain people from certain areas of the world! Read on about what is really behind her anger at the British people!
That’s a woman?!?!
Sounds like our democrats
Elitists becoming sincere? Looks like it!