We’ll never know what it’s like to be a British subject because the days of the subjugated citizen by the Crown is long over. Or is it?
Even though the Queen and her brood there in England still have “power,” it is in a sense only ceremonial and flashy. There are no real teeth in the lion’s mouth anymore. But the British Parliament and, by extension, the European Union, do have teeth. In fact, one could say they have teeth, claws and a brutal kick to the groin that many countries who don’t deal with the EU may never see.
The EU globalist mentality ALMOST came THIS CLOSE to bringing the entire European continent to its knees in the span of only 20 years. Of course, their grand vision of One World Order is what drove them to this in the first place. They hated the dominance of the US and its very strong leading voice on global politics. In order to combat that, they came up with this age-old idea, revamped and on steroids, and sold a damaged package of goods, duping nearly the entire continent into throwing away their economies, their freedoms, their culture and heritage…their sovereignties!
The British leaving a deal like that is something that the Americans could really get behind…and we did! When the Brits voted to leave the broken EU machine which punished the great countries like Germany and Britain in order to save the damaged Socialist nations, like Greece and Italy, they did so to save their nation’s very identity. That was quickly disappearing through immeasurable draconian edicts that sought to make nations autonomous with no differences in any of the countries and where the Schengen Agreement, an egregious act that allowed people to travel from one member nation to the next with just a driver’s license or ID card.
This single act also allowed an unprecedented number of illegal aliens and refugees from both Africa and the Middle East to flood Europe with a ferocity and rapidity that bordered on the feeding frenzy of sharks. And this, my friends, is most like why the person I’m about to introduce to you has absolutely lost it in the British Parliament a few days ago when she was quoted as saying, “To HELL with the will of the people!”
Turn to the next page to read about how a journalist and author of questionable heritage has decided to jump into the fight for the enslavement of the British people, if only they would agree to be enslaved!
That’s a woman?!?!
Sounds like our democrats
Elitists becoming sincere? Looks like it!