It might come as a shock to liberals, but not everybody is falling over themselves to accommodate President Obama, including one very eminent head of state.
Planning a highly publicized trip to the UK, Obama and his staff seemed to believe that the Queen would receive him at Buckingham Palace, her main place of residence and affairs of state, when he visits the country next year.
But the Queen won’t be seeing him there: instead, he and his entourage will have to travel 22 miles to see her at Windsor Castle, where she will wait for the president. Apparently, she didn’t think it was worth the extra effort of making the trip back to London for Obama.
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In hindsight, perhaps the Queen’s snub of Obama was foreseeable. Obama has done much to anger Britons, urging them to stay in the EU in spite of widespread hostility to such a move, and slamming Prime Minister David Cameron for his handling of Libya.
Understandably, the Queen’s office was quick to defend her action, pointing out that other presidents have had to make the trek from Buckingham to Windsor before:
“The Daily Mail’s claim that the Queen is refusing to return to London has been dismissed by her spokesman.
He said: ‘It is appropriate that The Queen will receive the President of the United States at Windsor Castle next month when she is at Windsor for Easter Court.
‘President Reagan stayed at Windsor in 1982 and President George W Bush visited The Queen at Windsor during his last full year in office in 2008, and of course Windsor is the setting for a number of State Visits, most recently for the Presidents of Ireland and France.
Going back further in time, The Queen received President Eisenhower at Balmoral Castle in 1959.’
The president’s visit to Britain is expected to be just after the Queen celebrates her 90th birthday on April 21.
It is set to be his last visit to this country as President of the USA.”
Source: The Sun
How come Obama, can’t live on $450,000 retirement with all Free Benefits, security, a wife and two kids. Obama feel the country owes him 18% COLA raise. But does not feel the US Citizens and Vets living in poverty getting No free Benefits, getting $11,000 to 12,000 and still have to pay for Medicare $105, supplemental Ins. $115, Drug plan $35, Burial $50 ( that don’t even cover for the burial ), eye glass and dental are left with $6500 to 7,000. I have not told you about the $20 co-pay each time you see a Greedy Doctor, co-pay for the drug that we still have to pay. If they own their homes all payed by now then get kicked by Property tax, No wonder they say you never ever get to own your home in America. ——————————————————————————————Where is the American justice, that we are so proud of ! ! ************************************************************************Here is what you all need to be mad about: Obama Denies Vets And Seniors a raise, But He Wants a 18% More raise.
That’s right, the man that rigged the COLA so that retired US Citizens and Vets have not gotten a crummy 1.3% raise in 3 of the last 6 years has decided that due to the ever increasing price of things, He and his Millionaire Family need an 18% increase in their retirement package after he leaves office.
Rep. Walter Jones, a North Carolina Republican, is leading a crusade to stop federal employees from watching and downloading porn on government equipment while at work. Yet they want a 6% raise for not working and watching Porno movies ! ——————————————————————————————Most candidates are all very blind or choose to look the other way ! ! What we need is to raise the SS minimum to $16,000 for individuals and $24,000 for couples with Free medical and No property tax in that bracket. Question is when will the Democrat & Republican career politician’s wake up and understand we need to expand SS to help our seniors and vets survive ! ! ————————————————————————————————————-**–** Where are our so called brave Generals ? ? ************************************************************************Banish all free loaders, can’t afford them No more, soon to be 20.5 Trillion country in debt ! ! ! **–** We are being invaded from within by those whom we voted for in power are now giving a free passage to invaders to invade, conquer & dominate American Freedom & Liberty ! ! **–** No one man has the solution to all our problems and it will take a Team of experts to rise and get united to help lead our President towards prosperity, it will be a daunting task to Save America. Lets rise, get united for a prosperous future for our next generation.
Ted Cruz for President of America,
Rising Tide Lifts All.
Ted Cruz 2016 Please Share, share, share the message to get united to help save America from these Thugs from within ! !
No one is more hated than he who speaks the truth, very hard to digest and some will easily choke on it ! !
So she’s just an old white woman A Queen she’s isn’t from Africa but he is so he must be a KING and do you think that hurt his feelings cause your the only ones crying about it
Even the Queen knows he’s a wiener.
Hail to the Queen!!
He isn’t worth her time !!!
The Obama’s have no class!
Lol…..Are you just an old Black man? How does it feel?? Most Blacks today are the racists. You nor I experienced what THE CHINESE, KOREANS, THE JAPANESE OR MEXICANS, THAT’S RIGHT, ALL THESE CULTURES SUFFERED AT THE HANDS OF THE BRITTISH AND SOUTHERNERS IN AMERICA BESIDES BLACKS. Now, go study America’s history before you attack ANYONE!!!
This article is bogus.