If you were to go out and ask regular folks what the first word that comes to mind is when they hear the name Clinton, it’s almost a guarantee that, whether they’re for her or against her, those words aren’t going to be anything flattering. When asked the same question in a new poll taken to the American people, 394 chose the words liar, dishonest or untrustworthy, and that’s from a mixture of both democrats and republicans. Here’s the kicker, she’s still leading the democratic candidates with 45 percent.
Either the party is completely corrupt or the American people lack intelligence.
Hillary wasn’t the only one in the poll though. Read more on NEXT PAGE.
Treasonous, lying, scandalous, deceiving.want to be.
The queen of lies & cover ups.
I wish she would go back under her rock
wow Bernie’s campaign is working it and wow this about a female lawmaker who won the most admired woman in the world for 13 years in a row. Wow this is really getting serious as wonder what lie will be said next.
I’d nominate O for a cabinet. One of those in the morgue!
Time for American justice.
She looks like a rodent in this picture.