Q-poll Shows Words Americans Associate With Hillary Clinton

To give you somebody to compare Hillary to, on the same poll, the top three words related to Donald Trump were arrogant, blowhard and idiot. While none of those words are very flattering, in comparison to being a liar, dishonest or untrustworthy, they’re minor personality flaws.

The latest Q-poll numbers have dropped and there aren’t really a lot of surprises in the top lines. (Well… there are a couple of exceptions but we’ll get to those in a minute.) What was really startling, though, was the results of the “open ended” questions about several of the candidates. Most specifically, the massively leading, top of the list responses for Hillary Clinton have to be giving her team nightmares. (Connecticut Post… emphasis added)

Clinton leads the Democratic field with 45 percent, down from 55 percent July 30, with U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont at 22 percent and Biden at 18 percent. No other candidate tops 1 percent with 11 percent undecided. This is Sanders’ highest tally and closest margin.

The last two things to note here are probably the least touted in the media coverage. First of all, Biden is already outperforming Hillary in the general no matter who the GOP candidate is. But the second are the Trump numbers. Yeah, he’s still losing to everyone, but his numbers a month ago were in the low thirties. He’s now at 40 or 41 against any of the Democrats. That’s closing in on the margin of error and he’s within the margin of error when compared to how well the other perceived GOP top dogs would do. If I were tasked with selling Trump at this point I’d probably be out there showing that he’s just as competitive against Hillary (or Biden) as anyone else, so why not take a chance on the guy with the massive TVQ?

While Trump doesn’t quite have the numbers that Hillary or Biden has in the presidential race, he’s closing the gap quickly, which means that he might be a candidate worth taking seriously.

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Photo: (screenshot) AP on YouTube



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