Two years ago Paul Craig Roberts, a former assistant secretary of the Treasury under Reagan and considered the father of “Reaganomics,” put forward a theory that Vladimir Putin has been marked for assassination. Now that’s scary thought.
Whatever you think of Mr. Putin, he’s not one to let such threats go unanswered. And Roberts is not some fringe character who is just trying to draw attention to himself by making wild statements. Roberts is well connected, not just from his time in government, but also from numerous academic appointments and as an assistant editor of the Wall Street Journal. Roberts doesn’t mince words as he identifies Obama as a major threat to world peace.
Now, two years later, one of Mr. Putin’s most trusted drivers has been killed in a head-on crash.
Ready to connect the dots?
If Putin wants you dead, my guess is you better pack a space suit. I think this is the 3rd attempt to take him out, I hope Putin gets all these$#%&!@*s.
him and killery better watch their seelves cause putin is not afraid of them killery threatened the other day
That action works both ways. Putin’s had more people killed than Obama’s played holes in golf.
I believe putin can out wit Obama and killarys hit team.
Should have stayed in her league. The Arkansas Mafia is no match for a Russian President and former KGB Chief.
Time for Vlad to step up his game and dish out some justice. Take out all the Cabal and Bilderberg members. Soros, Kissinger, Rothschild’s and Rockefellers. Better weed out all the Democrats and Liberals also. Going to be a big list but I wish him well.
Try it Obama ! Kgb
I betcha OBOZO & CLINTON is connected.
Putin needs to grenade the OBOZO on the golf field