Vladimir Putin is pretty infamous for his no-nonsense approach to politics. He’s also known for not giving a damn for anyone’s sensitivities. Ever since Muslim-controlled Turkey shot down a Russian jet last month, Putin has been upping his rhetoric against the religion. After announcing his thoughts on imposing some stricter sanctions on the country, he said something that is likely to draw some ire from more sensitive Muslims.
Putin said during a press conference that he was not interested in “saber-rattling” with Turkey. He promised stronger sanctions on the country. After Putin’s statements the Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak announced that Russia would be ending the talks on the Ankara Turkish gas steam pipeline, a move designed, he said, “to emphasize the strength of Kremlin anger.”
Between Putin’s relatively gentle chiding and Mr. Novak’s more aggressive announcement to halt energy discussions with Turkey, it’s clear that Putin wishes he could do more. And perhaps he would, if the NATo countries could be convinced to coordinated their attacks with Russian military.
Find out what Putin said in this press conference on page 2.
The man does not let political correctness get in his way to bad he’s a communist
At least he says it like it is.we have these pansy I’m offended snow flakes.seems Russia is a little smarter then this country,if it wasn’t comunist I’d bet people would move there.
Good for Putin!!
Why did Spacey wait till now ?
Putin is 100% CORRECT!!!
I like this about him
To attack another religion’s God is not addressing the Radical problem. It is merely adding fuel to the fire,and potentially driving moderate Muslims into the hands of extremists.
Religion is not the problem. Man’s interpretation of ancient writings into modern day scenarios is. Misrepresentation.
How is it wrong to call a pig “a pig”
Putin is the sort of person you don’t invite to a party unless you want him to take over and finish off in big style. He doesn’t mess about
I watched the Oliver stone Putin interviews and the impression I get of Putin is that he WILL finish off what someone else starts. I do have a giggle every time our politicians whinge at Russia. He could wipe out the UK without flinching. Our MP’s should bear in mind who they deal with. I am not saying he is a great person but he is a divisive person