In a recent speech directed at the United States, Vladimir Putin stated that World War III is inevitable and will be started by the U.S.
In no uncertain terms PutinĀ blamesĀ America for destroying the ‘global collective security’ and American imperialism will cause the world to go to war.
If we see WWIII anytime soon it will be radical Islam v. Christianity and others.
Putin is right in placing blame on the Obama administration. Doesn’t mean the US cannot work together with Putin to prevent or prevail.
Trump 2016
Rusia, England, and Israel all hate Obama because of George Soros!!!! Everybody who knows who George Soros is, hold up your hand!!!!!
when the people of America really gets fed up with it all, we will go to war in this country
Well barry has destroyed America, military is at pre ww2 levels the only thing that is going for the U.S. Right now is 300million guns in the hands of citizens and Barry wants those
I agree with everyone.
I love this guy, speaks nothing but the truth.
We don’t have leaders,, we have “the help”,,, and someplace along the way they started making OUR house rules and killing the neighbors pets and lying to us about all of it. They know Russia doesn’t want to join their gang,,,, that’s why they come on the TV and lie to us about everything. It’s like we’re the parents and the Federal government is our trouble making kids.
Mr Putin I agree with you I dontcwant war with you or your people if you have to make a decision about war with the country I live in would you deal with our leaders not american people