One may not agree normally with Vladimir Putin, however, he is taking action in Syria against ISIS because Obama’s Middle-East policy is ‘disastrous’, (if not self-sabotaging). He told senior military that Saudi-backed rebels vowed to purge Syria and Iraq from Christians and other ethnic and religious minorities.
Who will protect the Christians? The Russians? Putin’s plan is on the next page:
Where’s the proof of that?
Let Putin do some work for us in Syria, not our money or soldiers.
Thats why he’s been bombing Isis and killing their leaders right?
With Bush’s help and the Brits and Israel. Have you noticed Isis has not attacked Israel at all.
Come on Putin you know Obamas ISIS went on a European vacation.
Works for me. !!
ISIS is the front for the Caliphate. It is consolidating gain in the Middle East . The rest of the world will come later.
I like President Putin at least he’s a man. A strong leader I’d welcome his presence to clean up our c ountry.
Daniel Garza If we don’t, someone will fill the void. Who do you trust to be the next White Knight? Russia, China, Saudi Arabia, the UN, a new World Order? Who do you pick?