One may not agree normally with Vladimir Putin, however, he is taking action in Syria against ISIS because Obama’s Middle-East policy is ‘disastrous’, (if not self-sabotaging). He told senior military that Saudi-backed rebels vowed to purge Syria and Iraq from Christians and other ethnic and religious minorities.
Who will protect the Christians? The Russians? Putin’s plan is on the next page:
Go for it , help goes long way.
Who would think that we would be thanking Putin
Putin is a better friend to the US than our own “president”!
Obama DID create ISIS.
Good, if O is against it, it is most likely the best thing for the entire world!!!
It makes you wonder how so many Americans could be fooled by this muslism terrorist disguised as the president of the united States! Now another country is concerned more about Isis than our so called President.I have always known he was a wolf in sheep’s clothing,Im shocked at how many people have turned a blind eye to the fact that he is destroying this country one step at a time!He should have been impeached for treason along time ago!
Sad state of affairs our world is in right now
Yeah our Muslim leader won’t do it…. Go Putin
Putin needs to destroy them All NOW!