One may not agree normally with Vladimir Putin, however, he is taking action in Syria against ISIS because Obama’s Middle-East policy is ‘disastrous’, (if not self-sabotaging). He told senior military that Saudi-backed rebels vowed to purge Syria and Iraq from Christians and other ethnic and religious minorities.
Who will protect the Christians? The Russians? Putin’s plan is on the next page:
May be world all put obama his
Putin got ballks!
Putin may be rang idia for obama
PUTIN supports Assad army to fight ISIS and Obama does nothing but as REPORTED BY ISIS LEADER , Obama funds ISIS and the US CONGRESS IGNORES> MCCAIN does not give a c**p its TREASON. WHY?
I would help Putin.
Go Putin
Sad to say Putin is right because Obama said he would “always stand with the Muslims.”
Surprised, they are O’s friends. Thank you Mr. Putin.
Somebody has got to do something. Because Obama is doing nothing to save our country.