One may not agree normally with Vladimir Putin, however, he is taking action in Syria against ISIS because Obama’s Middle-East policy is ‘disastrous’, (if not self-sabotaging). He told senior military that Saudi-backed rebels vowed to purge Syria and Iraq from Christians and other ethnic and religious minorities.
Who will protect the Christians? The Russians? Putin’s plan is on the next page:
Some one needs to.
Putin’s more American than Obama!!
How many times have we heard the wests politicians saying we must strike up a dialogue with the terrorists? The only language that will work is with the sword. The west should hang their heads in shame.
Whats right is right Now make sure Obama is there when it happens and all his croonies too
And fast succeeding in America
Omg I’m on Putins side on this
Scott Brown Obama is a Muslim Terrorist. I can’t bare to look at this SOB. Obama, is the worse enemy America has & he is sitting in our White House & he has got to be stopped.
John Googins, you are a poor excuse for a man you moron. Do your research peckerwood, tough guy.
Thank you, Mr. Putin for doing what the president of OUR COUNTRY won’t do. It is left up to the citizens.
As an American hispanic, I’m tired of how all of these coward racist liberals that hate America like Obama, Clinton, and their supporters are trying to turn this great country into a 3rd world one. Unfortunately, one of the biggest problems we have right now is the media and entertainment that are always trying to tell us how to think. They have created enough imbeciles that would re-elect a failure like Obama. Even more, I’m supposed to bow down to anti-American Obama, love liberal policies no matter how destructive they are, love bigger enslaving government, and be in favor of illegal immigration because of the color of my skin… disgusting. That’s why I and others created “Chepo Team”, the first true pro-America, comic strip. Please support our cause by liking our facebook page . Thank you