One may not agree normally with Vladimir Putin, however, he is taking action in Syria against ISIS because Obama’s Middle-East policy is ‘disastrous’, (if not self-sabotaging). He told senior military that Saudi-backed rebels vowed to purge Syria and Iraq from Christians and other ethnic and religious minorities.
Who will protect the Christians? The Russians? Putin’s plan is on the next page:
Yes Putin. Sad day when we applause Russia and shake out heads at Americas government.
somebody has to do it…
I hope Russia kills all of OBAMA, ISIS killers. Putin, knows Obama, has armed & protected ISIS FIGHTERS. Mr. Putin, kill all of them.
IF putin destroys the terrorists then good for him!
Obama is on the wrong side on this, he better watch out, Putin don’t play games with him.
I am glad to see so many replies to my post
Ah…which one is President of the USA ?
Good to know Putin is doing Obama’s dirty work !!
U.S. Forces should not obey any orders Obama, gives them.U.S. FORCES, KILL ALL OF OBAMA’S, MUSLIM ISIS FIGHTERS.
Go ahead putin be a hero and fyck isis up and why your call Obama out for a street fight