Tensions between Turkey and Russia remain high this week in the aftermath of last week’s takedown of a Russian jet flying near Turkish airspace.
In the latest development between the two feuding countries, Vladimir Putin is now accusing Turkey of purchasing oil from ISIS.
While hard to prove, this accusation insinuates that Turkey itself is funding the well-known terrorist organization’s efforts to kill innocent people living in western countries and in the Middle East.
Turkey is of course vehemently denying the accusations, as the Turkish president said he would resign if anyone could prove that the accusations were true.
While Turkey didn’t seem to have a premeditated motive for last week’s attack, some people are now theorizing that it ISIS oil could have been a motivating factor.
To see the potential link between the two incidents, keep reading on the next page:
Putin if Turkey really is funding ISIS break their back .Two faced Islamist scum like our good pals Pakistan and Afghanistan they have a hidden agenda and it definitely covers their Islamist teachings.
Turkey also worships the demon gOD, Allah.
Obama set m up.
Putin?….bomb Turkey too…
this is must be what made Erdogan resign tonight….
That turkey will never win against a bear like Putin.
ISIS is Wahhabi…Turkey is Wahhabi…
Somebody is buying their oil…
Time to stuff a turkey
If you listened to the news, you would know that Erdeban can’t be trusted.