The U.S. dollar can expect to take a pounding if Russian President Vladimir Putin carries out what appears to be a conversion of Russian currency to a gold-based standard.
Just this past September, Russia added another 1.1 million ounces of gold to it’s reserves, increasing the total amount of gold it possesses to a whopping 43.5 million ounces.
This theory is given even more credence by the fact that the massive country has added a combined total of 2.51 million ounces of gold to it’s holdings, marking the biggest gold reserve increase within a three-month timeframe in Russian history.
Check out the next page to see the increase in Russian gold reserves for yourself:
Iran wanted gold in that fiasco
Gold is the only thing that has worth…
This could hurt!
And Hillary lost $6 billion dollars, where is an IG investigation!
The two beast have risen, What we see with our eyes, such as beheadings, christians being pusecuted and killed, peole being burned alive, all in the sake of Islam is the image of the beast that has been created. with hundreds of thousands of Muslims invading all nations, as refugee’s soon the beast will rule over all nations, then the mark of the beast will be the “LAW OF THE LAND”
Oppressive zionist lol
Audit the Federal Reserve, see for yourself: No Gold.
Ft Knox: EMPTY
Hope he does it……and we then can be freed from the Federal Reserve……
Trump and Putin need to talk. I believe they would loke each other. No bs.
He sounds more American than Obama does.