The U.S. dollar can expect to take a pounding if Russian President Vladimir Putin carries out what appears to be a conversion of Russian currency to a gold-based standard.
Just this past September, Russia added another 1.1 million ounces of gold to it’s reserves, increasing the total amount of gold it possesses to a whopping 43.5 million ounces.
This theory is given even more credence by the fact that the massive country has added a combined total of 2.51 million ounces of gold to it’s holdings, marking the biggest gold reserve increase within a three-month timeframe in Russian history.
Check out the next page to see the increase in Russian gold reserves for yourself:
It is so sad! That our president is so -BAD we trust RUSSIA more!
We owe JAPAN 7 TRILLION! We owe CHINA 5 TRILLION! That’s why they keep raising the dept ceilings to pay on our loans!
don,t trust putin!
Nice curl up weights. Everyone should buy a couple.
What I don’t get is, our currency is f**e. I’m sure other countries are also. Fiat currency backed by nothing. Just read: The Creature From Jekyll Island. The story of how the “Federal Reserve” was created.
America has to be broken. It has been allowed to grow and prosper. under a carefully planned, controlled environment by the global elite. Example: Rothschilds, Rockefeller, Schiff, Warburg, Chase families for example. Then once America is no longer needed, an orchestrated plan will go in effect to cleanse this nation. Many ways to do it are planned. Maybe a “emp” attack or monetary fail? Either way it happens, isn’t good. With all the recent racial issues, the blatant violation of illegals being treated like kings while true Americans get nothing. Those and many more social operations to cause civil unrest will be used as an instrument to cause civil unrest, which will be used as an excuse to cause martial law. Total chaos will cause thousands of deaths. The corrupt government will use food, shelter, security as a means to control the nation. Those that want it, will be advised to go to the nearest fema camp depot. The corrupt government will promise all those things. Once you are at the “welcome center”, people will be systematically placed in certain categories. These fema camps are designed to pick the people they want around in their new world order. Veterans, law enforcement, politicians that didn’t toe the line, militia members. Basically anyone that is a threat to the state. It’s been done over and over, nothing new under the sun here folks. Germany, Stalin Russia, Cambodia, China, North Korea, Viet Nam. Governments have murdered their own people from the beginning of time. America and those that believe in what made in this country, the mom and apple pie stuff. Those are the people that will be liquidated and will be replaced by those thy just want to live under any condition. We have them now in our country, people getting something for nothing, mooching off others. People that give two shits of what the government is doing just as long as they get their hand out. They care not of what laws are passed and what rights are taken away. But I have news for those types, the new world order doesn’t want leeches under their control. Every single person (slave) will do something to live. No more laying around watching tv and doing drugs. Anyone that is of no use will be put to death. That means no elderly, no sick people, no mentally disabled people and so on. You will work for the state the state does not work for you. That is the master plan, that is the end game. Cause so much chaos and suffering to cleanse this country of God loving, freedom loving, people. People with thoughts are not allowed, they want dummies.
Hi gorgeous…nice comment and I must you look so astonishing and you’re the most passionate eyes I’ve ever seen, can we keep in touch? I’d to be a friend if you don’t mind, don’t hesitate to contact me so we can connect and be friends, Have a blessed night gorgeous.
Means your 401k is just a piece of paper?
The dollar is back by nothing, no gold. Just a piece of paper. There is no gold backing our dollar. It is a fraud.