Putin Issues Threat to Obama Loyalists Sabotaging Trump Administration

It was very clear that Mr. Obama and Mr. Putin had a poor relationship. No doubt this was not helped by the actions of the U.S. under Obama to encourage sanctions against Russia over the Crimea issue. Neither has Senator McCain with his continuous bellicose rhetoric against Russia been a plus. It looked like things might improve under President Trump, however the issue over potential election tampering by Russia has set things back.

It’s clear that Russia is frustrated, and governments have ways of expressing that without directly involving the heads of state. We see it in press releases and comments by those in state departments, and we can get a feel for where things stand by observing these exchanges.

Russia’s current level of frustration in their dealings with the U.S. can be seen in the following statement from their foreign ministry:

The US Department of State has more than once asked us not to announce planned visits until the last minute. This is not our tradition. We have been operating openly for years, but we have respected the requests we have received from our colleagues in Washington in the past few years. But what happened after that? First, the US Department of State asked us to keep the planned visit quiet and not to announce it until the last possible minute, until we coordinated the date. We did as they asked. But a day or two later the information was leaked by the US State Department and sometimes by the US administration. Frankly, this put Russia and the media in a strange situation, because they didn’t know who to believe – the official agencies or the many leaks.

Their foreign ministry also made a further comment — one that might give Mr. Obama and his loyalists currently working against the Trump administration something to worry about.

Also, I would like to say that if the practice of leaking information that concerns not just the United States but also Russia, which has become a tradition in Washington in the past few years, continues, there will come a day when the media will publish leaks about the things that Washington asked us to keep secret, for example, things that happened during President Obama’s terms in office.

Believe me, this could be very interesting information.

That’s not even close to subtle. And a release of information Mr. Obama shared with Russia in private could be more than just interesting. Recall this exchange during Mr. Obama’s 2012 reelection campaign:

Obama: “After my election I have more flexibility”
Medvidev: “I will transmit this information to Vladimir”

The details of how Mr. Obama exercised this “flexibility” would make for very interesting reading.


Source: ZeroHedge



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