Nuclear brinksmanship is a dangerous game. There’s always the possibility that someone will make a tragic error and set off a chain of events that leaves much of the world decimated. Not only that, there has been a history of false launch alerts that could have led to a nation retaliating against a threat that was not there. We are fortunate that leaders have suspected such alerts to be false and have chosen to stand down.
Nevertheless, major nuclear powers continue to engage in aggressive research. This, not only in developing more advanced nuclear weapons, but also in developing more effective means of shooting down opponents’ missiles. This is very advanced technology, often compared with trying to “hit a bullet with a bullet.” Obviously, the faster and more maneuverable a missle is, the tougher it is to shoot it down.
American opinions of Russian military equipment have indicated a belief that much of it is outdated and borderlines on junk. That might be a dangerous assumption. And it is an erroneous assumption if the claims made by Mr. Putin on page two are accurate.
Nobody is going to attack you, you just want attention.
Putin is repeating the SOVIET MISTAKE of wasting Russian resources on BOGEYMEN. He will BANKRUPT his country.
Yeah Rocky fought a invincible Russian to how did that work.
Why would we attack you Putin? … what have you done?
Putins pulling our leg just to get a kick out of it.Hes good at laughing at us because Congress is laughable!
If attacked…I would agree any country has the right to defend themselves.
You little weasel your waiting on North Korea to attack !!! Then like a gang of wuss bags you and China will join in !!!
Rat who eats Cheese his tail grows not his Nose