President Putin has made a major statement. He claims that Russia’s nuclear missiles are “unstoppable.” He was speaking in particular in reference to American anti-ballistic missiles located not that far from Russia. On one hand, no one would expect him to say anything else regardless of the accuracy of his statements. The important question, though, is whether he is right, or just blowing smoke.
Russia is not a power to be dismissed. “Hypersonic” missiles clearly are more difficult to shoot down by defenders. So the question is what’s to be read into Mr. Putin’s recent speech.
We can check out RT which used to be called Russia Today to get the local view on this from Russia.
The new US nuclear posture allows a nuclear strike in response to a conventional attack. President Vladimir Putin said Russia, if attacked with nuclear weapons, would not hesitate to respond in kind.
The warning came during a state of the nation address delivered by the Russian president on Thursday, in which he presented a number of new advanced strategic weapon systems which, he said, would render all anti-missile capabilities that the US currently has powerless. Putin also mentioned the new American nuclear posture, which has relaxed some rules on when the US is prepared to use its nuclear weapons.
The “new advanced strageic weapon systems” are claimed to by hypersonic in design and performance. In other words, so fast and maneuverable that the US has nothing that can stop them. Hence, the claim by Putin that our nuclear missile defense systems are useless. Again, we would not expect him to say anything else. The question is the accuracy of his claims.
The Daily Mail has also weighed in on this story with a bit more detail than RT provided.
President Vladimir Putin has announced that Russia has tested an array of new nuclear weapons ‘invulnerable to enemy interception’ in a speech where he praised scientists behind the arsenal as ‘the heroes of our time’.
In his annual state-of-the-nation speech in Moscow, Putin said the weapons include a nuclear-powered cruise missile, a nuclear-powered underwater drone and new hypersonic missile and showed video footage the launch of a new heavy intercontinental ballistic missile on big screens.
The video footage also contained a computer generated sequence showing the potential power and reach of the new rocket, which included bombs raining down over the U.S. state of Florida.
During his speech, Putin said the creation of the new weapons has made NATO’s U.S.-led missile defense ‘useless,’ and means an effective end to what he described as Western efforts to stymie Russia’s development.
What can be said here?
The “computer generated sequence “ shown raining missiles down of Florida is borderline worthless. All it proves is that Russia has computer geeks who are good at creating animated videos. And any good computer gaiming designer could do the same. The question that counts is how close that computer simulation is to reality.
Putin has made some very profound claims that have the potential to be game-changing, if true.
Speaking of the new arsenal, Putin said that the nuclear-powered cruise missile tested last fall has an unlimited range and high speed and maneuverability allowing it to pierce any missile defense.
The Russian leader said the high-speed underwater drone also has an ‘intercontinental’ range and is capable of carrying a nuclear warhead that could target both aircraft carriers and coastal facilities.
He said its operational depth and high speed would make it immune to enemy intercept, adding: ‘It’s just fantastic!’
As much as we hate to bring up old memories, what must be remembered is for eight years this nation was lead by Mr. Obama whose policy seemed to be to trust everyone but our allies, while relegating out military to a far back burner.
A lot can happen during eight years. Recall how quickly the Manhattan project produced the atomic bomb. Now apply technology 70-years more advanced from what produced the bomb, and you can get some very horrific weapons.
The Russian leader said that another new weapon called Avangard is an intercontinental hypersonic missile that would fly to targets at a speed 20 times the speed of sound and strike ‘like a meteorite, like a fireball.’
‘This makes it absolutely invincible for any forms of air and missile defence,’ he boasted, calling it an ‘ideal weapon’.
Putin said that Russia also tested a new heavy intercontinental ballistic missile, called Sarmat, with a range and number of warheads exceeding its Soviet-era predecessor, known in the West as Satan.
He praised a new generation of young scientists working on such weaponry, calling them ‘the heroes of our time’.
Could Russia have blown past the U.S. in nuclear weapons technology while Mr. Obama spent eight years apologizing to the world for the United States and ignoring our military?
The answer must be that it is possible. The quesiton that remains is whether he did. We do not want a live demonstration to answer that question.
Source: RT
Source: Daily Mail
Bluff of the century…they are as broke as the U.S.
If i had all that i would keep quiet about it. he is just saying that to try to scare people and it looks like it is working.
I think it’s bs
that is all it is
And Trump says nothing against Putan.
starting to sound like his buddy rocketman!