Hillary, with her usual unlimited hubris, has made comments that seem to threaten war with Russia. She has referred to Mr. Putin as a new Hitler. We realize the irony of Hillary accusing someone else of having visions of global dominance, but the fact remains that this is one dangerous woman. So indifferent must she be to the lives of millions that she would sacrifice them in her quest for global hegemony. Not that there might be much of a global population left to have hegemony over after a full-scale nuclear war.
And here those of us hopeful souls who lived through the Cold War and saw its end were silly enough to think that perhaps the specter of nuclear annihilation could be relegated to the past — a monument to human stupidity and something never to be revisited again. Now along comes Hillary. Then again, perhaps Obama will beat her to it.
More analysis on page two.
I believe Putin when says it’s war if killary wins
hillary is dirty woman..frog in the well……PUTIN WILL HARASS AMERICA and probably take over….get country divided north and south babylon
Rudy, new York style thuggery is a good Rx
So the media thinks this is now between Hillary and Trump in a head to head debate, but let me tell you where we really stand! This is also about Governor Mike Pence, Dr. Ben Carson, Mayor Rudy Giuliani, Senator Jeff Sessions, Governor Chris Christie, Representative Trey Gowdy, Senator Marco Rubio, and the other loyal Republicans who want to save our country from the rotten to the core Clinton’s! This is about the Deplorable’s who are the true American heroes; the blue collar workers in the mines and factories; the small business owners; the farmers; the law enforcement officers; the border patrol; the military; the Vets; the working families; the poor in the inner cities, Black, White or Hispanic; the legal immigrants; the unemployed; the senior citizens; the retired; the school kids seeking a better education; the college graduates looking for a job; the doctors and nurses seeking relief from Obamacare rules and regulations; the families who have suffered from horrendous crimes caused by illegal aliens; and so many others who want to live normal lives without the government corruption! Law and order and blind justice, that treats us all as equal, must prevail if we are to have a country! We are tired of the propaganda put out 24/7 by a biased media that makes a mockery of Freedom of the Press! We have reached the bottom of the abyss and we are going to climb our way out of the evil and darkness that we have endured for the last 8 years and we will be stronger and wiser than ever before! WE THE PEOPLE ARE BACK AND WE ALL STAND WITH TRUMP!! ****PLEASE SHARE….spread the word****
I hope putin just takes out the politicians not us citizens who have no control over that women cause we don’t share her views
She is one of the worst war mongers, do not vote for war!
i may not like clinton or trump but we will vote for whoever we damn well please so go back to your cheap$#%&!@*vodka and STFU!
It will be..
You will be but one of many that will retaliate.,