Hillary, with her usual unlimited hubris, has made comments that seem to threaten war with Russia. She has referred to Mr. Putin as a new Hitler. We realize the irony of Hillary accusing someone else of having visions of global dominance, but the fact remains that this is one dangerous woman. So indifferent must she be to the lives of millions that she would sacrifice them in her quest for global hegemony. Not that there might be much of a global population left to have hegemony over after a full-scale nuclear war.
And here those of us hopeful souls who lived through the Cold War and saw its end were silly enough to think that perhaps the specter of nuclear annihilation could be relegated to the past — a monument to human stupidity and something never to be revisited again. Now along comes Hillary. Then again, perhaps Obama will beat her to it.
More analysis on page two.
from what ive heard, he will have to wait in line
Guess Putin knows more then he’s telling
With no doubt . and he will conquer them too with no doubt because they turn from god .Putin just see the judgment already here and is nothing yet . Satan is losing big time can’t even see it .
I keep thinking of the poem by Dylan Thomas. We will not go Quietly into the night.
the fight has begun Now in Texas https://www.facebook.com/shay.biro/videos/296477337406045/
Oh we know how much she admires OBAMA SHE LET US KNOW THAT IN THE LAST DEBATE
People you better read this I believe it’s very very true that’s my opinion
He’s damned right there will be war! And Putin will win!
We have no military! Obasshole has seen to that! And I wouldn’t blame Isreal if she didn’t want to come to our rescue! Obasshole and the beast have made sure of that as well!
Really? Most people cause people of what they’re guilty of doing . Dubie? You got something to tell us?