Putin: “If It’s Hillary Clinton, It’s War”

With his Middle-East policy in tatters, could a President Obama, desperate for some sort of foreign policy success, risk war with Russia to accomplish his goal of regime-change in Syria?  Neither he nor his State Department are very reassuring.  In fact, representatives of the US Department of State have been firing off statements that are similar to the bellicose threats espoused by presidential-hopeful Hillary Clinton.

Regardless of your opinion of Mr. Putin, he is not likely to waffle or be as flexible in his red lines as world leaders have found Mr. Obama to be.  As stupid, dangerous, and wrong-headed as Mr. Obama’s foreign policy has been, at least he has avoided a world-wide conflagration — up until now that is.  We must be thankful for small mercies.

Hillary seems to think she’s in the bull-pen, warming up for her opportunity to put Putin and Russia in their places.  Her dangerous rhetoric only supports this view.  However, Mr. Putin is taking note, and in case you’ve missed it, has made a few comments of his own.

Hillary Clinton brings the real threat of war, not Donald Trump, according to Vladimir Putin, as election news has Russia gearing up for a possible attack. Hillary’s image as a war hawk is lost on mainstream American voters, but Russia, Europe, and other nations saw a not-so-warm-and-fuzzy side of Hillary when she was Secretary of State, and the contents of Mrs. Clinton’s intercepted emails has not served to soothe their fears.

Putin does not mince words as he offers his opinion of Hillary:

Ironically, Hillary Clinton’s war hawk ways have the Russian public scared to death in a very specific way, and the Kremlin is gearing up for what it perceives as an unwanted but inevitable war with Hillary. Putin doesn’t say Hillary is thin-skinned — he says she’s Satan incarnate.

Vladimir Putin does not obfuscate his opinion of Mr. and Mrs. Clinton. They are both Satan in his eyes. Many older Russians blame Bill Clinton for the collapse of the Russian economy during the 1990s, while younger people have formed their opinions based on Russian media reports.

Hillary Clinton is Satan to the Russian People, according to the Observer, while they see at least a ray of hope in Donald Trump.

Well, if that last statement is accurate, we’re not too far removed from the beliefs of the Russian people on that point.

Again, regardless of your opinion of Vladimir Putin, it is foolish to think he is just going to sit there, waiting for Hillary to attack.

Vladimir Putin has ordered the Aerospace Defense Forces to accelerate the deployment of two or more missile attack early warning system satellites. He told his military leaders to prepare for imminent war if Hillary is elected according to ETF.

This piece ends with a question that should be on the minds of all Americans as they go to the polls in November:

Hillary Clinton keeps alleging that Donald Trump is not capable of foreign relations, but does Clinton have an impending war with Vladimir Putin just waiting in the wings if she is elected?

Source:  Inquisitr



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