Russian President Vladimir Putin has drafted legislation that seeks to eliminate the US dollar and the euro from trade between CIS countries, which would be Russia, Belarus, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and other countries that comprised the former Soviet Union.
Yet another nail it the dollar’s coffin…
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Thanx Obama !
Obama has nothing to do with it. Bush and greed did this.
Lol this guy ^
Paul Gallagher be like
omg im afraid to ask whats next
The ruble and yuan is worth less than the us dollar and its not likely to happen with russia and chinas economy tanking right now
Russia is in recession right now so their money is worthless
I get Crack up, out of these Democrats and union boys who think try to defend this administration and it’s foreign policy with Russia. The U.S. will be ok, because they have a plan D, however Putin is absolutely right on several fronts. The Democrats have tied the American people into the IMF, so deeply over the past 7 years, that they don’t see what’s about to hit. The U.S.. is mighty, and it won’t collapse as the way the Soviet Union did, but Europe Will !!!!. The IMF, and E.U. will. The United States has made itself by choice a patsy for the E.U., the U.N. and the. IMF…The United States will survive the coming economic collapse but the American voter will have the last word. Is Europe worth more inflation?,, more economic woes?, or is it time to let Europe sit in its own toilet?. …Trump 2016…..
And that’s what Obama and the rest of congress want to happen that’s why they do not care how much they up the deficit
I thought the FED already did that long go?