So Russia is now working with Hezbollah, Iran, Syria and China all thanks to the devastating foreign policy of Barack Obama.
Over the last ten days hundreds of Iranian troops have arrived in Syria and are backed by Hezbollah and rebel fighters from Iraq and Afghanistan…all supported by Russian airstrikes.
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Russia President Putin please bomb shock ewe bombing their isn’t rebels they end up with ISIS. Killing rebels is good. Russia job save Assad and his Government. So what did people think president Putin would do? Did anyone really think Putin would allow rebels to continue fighting killing Assad troops only bomb ISIS? That would be stupid. Obama refused to step in at the begin leaving an opening for president Putin to step in now Iran and China. US going in now would be insane after walking away.
Russian Airstrikes Hit U.S. Armed Rebels In Syria Surprise their Assad’s enemy.
John McCain is out of his mind! he is a fool! President Putin is right on this. Russian Airstrikes Hit U.S.Armed Rebels fighting against President Assad Syria,
CIA been training thousands all END UP being ISIS too taking Assad Syria and and go into Iraq putting ISIS in control.
President Obama, Congress, Senate approved too training, financing these groups / ISIS over 6 years.
Hillary was the head of CIA training of these groups Hillary was supplying weapons and Ordinances too Rebels / ISIS.
America missed their window in Syria before Russia stepped in.
American President Obama could have taken ISIS convoy out while crossing into Iraq.
They all were watching ISIS convoy waving at their drones over head going into Iraq.
President, Hillary, John McCain, refused to do anything allowed ISIS free pass into Iraq and to build up.
Iraqi Military American Trained dropped their weapons and ordinances ran from ISIS. The US President and Politicians senate and Congress continuing to supply weapons and Ordinances too Iraqis Military knowing when confronted by ISIS Iraqis troops would run leaving weapons and Ordinances for ISIS take over. America can’t complain when Russia and China and Iran steps up to support Assad Syrian. When Russia, China, Iran stabilize Syria then Russia start helping clean up and rebuild Hospital Schools Cities shelter homes apartments help people start small business. Thy will be invited to Iraq. Iran is already in Iraq with Troops.