Vladimir Putin is no fan of the “Arab Spring”, evident by his address to the UN. Putin, who is allies with Assad, and Russia who has interests in Syria as a strategic location, has moved his military to the Syrian border. His speech pointed out his take on the Arab spring, and he believes the Obama “doctrine” in the Middle East has left a vacuum that ISIS is filling. Surprisingly, his take on the Arab Spring is much aligned with how many American conservatives view it.
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Russia is fight america in syria becuse were freakin giving arms to terrorists!
Kick the UN out and than demolish the bldg!!!
Hope this is true
I believe Putin it’s telling the right thing Obama is an a******!
Obama lives in his own world, he has no clue!
Our terrorist-in-chief knows exactly what he has done.
Your grammar is nothing but evil.
“No lust for children”, except the ones in which he is being accused of raping.
You mean like trump does everyday?
He’s done nothing dicorial and if you want to look at egos then just take a glance at Trump.