Vladimir Putin is no fan of the “Arab Spring”, evident by his address to the UN. Putin, who is allies with Assad, and Russia who has interests in Syria as a strategic location, has moved his military to the Syrian border. His speech pointed out his take on the Arab spring, and he believes the Obama “doctrine” in the Middle East has left a vacuum that ISIS is filling. Surprisingly, his take on the Arab Spring is much aligned with how many American conservatives view it.
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The u.s says alot of c**p about this guy but i think he might be the good guy these days and we are falling victim to sneaky propaganda packed tactics of our own government falsely labeling putin like the label everything else with lies they dont like or dont fit their globalist agenda….. on this subject putin is dead on right. Theres no logical reason for what government is doing with these refugees other than to cause chaos turmoil and death in order to steal more rights….
Agree, and you’re correct, some groups would receive far worse treatment, and yet they are too naive to see it.
With all this world policing our government does putin might be the only one left to save us from our own out of control government….
He’s an ignorant S.O.B plain and simple
Well Facebook is not sharing this post! I tried!
Hey what the$#%&!@*is so correct and and inciteful about Putin’s statement? All he is doing is repeating verbatim what the american press has been spewing for over a years who remembers and uses the term Arab spring? In my estimation no one so he is digging deep back into our press releases to come up with that verbiage if this guy gave a$#%&!@*he would have abstained from invadind Crimea and hostile my
postulating on Ukraines border!
Let’s let Putin send Obummer to Siberia!
Mr Putin
Will you PLEASE come get obama and train him for s/T useful ? ? ? ? ?
Damn shame when you realize a communist leader is a better leader that what we’ve been forced to endure for 8 years! Obama is quite proud of his failures. Get rid of the UN completely – they’re worthless!
Sad when the Russian leader lectures what’s supposed to be the President of the US….shameful…..