Vladimir Putin is no fan of the “Arab Spring”, evident by his address to the UN. Putin, who is allies with Assad, and Russia who has interests in Syria as a strategic location, has moved his military to the Syrian border. His speech pointed out his take on the Arab spring, and he believes the Obama “doctrine” in the Middle East has left a vacuum that ISIS is filling. Surprisingly, his take on the Arab Spring is much aligned with how many American conservatives view it.
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If Hilary won we be on our way to war. Progressives/ socialist are evil
Obama knows exactly what he has done. He is a demonic traitor to the American people. One can only pray that our country can come back together once his sorry a## is gone.
Exactly what Trump has been saying! Hmmm
The UN was a good idea that has gone bad—dump it !!
Jihad watch? Wtf
I heard Putin slapped Obama on the back of the head in lunch line. Then took his dessert. Obama didn’t stand up for himself. He’s a weinie.
Corruption can destroy the best ldeals- – expecially when they thought they had the golden goose, instead they just got a turkey that got run over by the Trump Train !!!!
got that right
Obama doesn’t have a clue what’s going on! He’s such an egomaniac, he can’t stop patting himself on the back! Valerie Jarrett, another of his many criminal partners, keeps him so insulated he’s oblivious to what the real truth is!
Obama did give him the stink eye….