Vladimir Putin is no fan of the “Arab Spring”, evident by his address to the UN. Putin, who is allies with Assad, and Russia who has interests in Syria as a strategic location, has moved his military to the Syrian border. His speech pointed out his take on the Arab spring, and he believes the Obama “doctrine” in the Middle East has left a vacuum that ISIS is filling. Surprisingly, his take on the Arab Spring is much aligned with how many American conservatives view it.
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Mr. Putin don’t take no s**t
” but we have more work to do. My job here is not finished ”
Obama knows exactly what he has done. Planned it all along
great dig! get him now because hes leaving soon!
He knows his Muslim agenda is about to be reversed by an American President, Obama was Anti-American and Pro Foreigners from day 1.
Go Putin!
Words right out of my mouth ! And we let him !
Obumer is sooo easy to hate
Remember he had ties to pedifila
The more I see and hear if Putin the better I like him. He and Donald are well-matched, world peace is possible between them. They don’t have pockets to let or line. No fragile gay egos here, no ideological idealism to follow, no inconvenient additions to hide, no lust for children or same sex to dress up.
Big prayers needed.