Vladimir Putin is no fan of the “Arab Spring”, evident by his address to the UN. Putin, who is allies with Assad, and Russia who has interests in Syria as a strategic location, has moved his military to the Syrian border. His speech pointed out his take on the Arab spring, and he believes the Obama “doctrine” in the Middle East has left a vacuum that ISIS is filling. Surprisingly, his take on the Arab Spring is much aligned with how many American conservatives view it.
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As much I don’t like Obama ,Putin is the same garbage but with balls so it makes him worst . Everyone is for their own interest.
Jason Longbine Enemies of the U. S. ? I served my country with pride$#%&!@*stick. I am far from being an enemy. Trump is the only hope this country has left. So how about you keep your$#%&!@*catcher shut and watch who you’re calling the enemy. Only people with any common sense will vote for trump. So go hop on the killary band wagon and$#%&!@*yourself. Fucktard.
The simple truth is had GWB never invaded Iraq none of this would be an issue.
Had we stayed and built a base as we did in Germany instead of leaving and letting them know our every move, the Middle East would be drastically different today. Leaving the way we did created the void and then ISIS. Yes hindsight 20/20, if we knew then what we know now, maybe we would not have went in then. You have to think no matter what we would have had to eventually rather then or 5 or 10 years later.
He did that with the same intel that Congress (including Hillary) had & voted with him to invade Iraq. Don’t just stop with GWB with the blame!!
Of course Obama knows exactly what he has done, and is continuing to do!
Obama has done exactly what he had set out to do from the day he started his campaign. He has changed America and changed the world as the way they see America. Soon he will change even more. If you hold anything dear to your heart with America, you better keep your family close because all hell is going to be cut loose. This is the CHANGE he spoke of but no one listened.
He no he doesn’t know anything
I’ve already told you what you can do with the UN send a couple of tomahawk missiles into the UN destroy it level to the ground that is a good thing get rid of it trash it is nothing but evil we don’t need it
Short answer : Deport Obama to the middle east and kick the UN out of the country!
No can’t see what his doing because was create to sit the way for the devil to come to power . Is unbelievable. all can not see what coming by god .
Obama knows exactly what he’s done.