It is sad that Obama, Clinton and Kerry have so messed up the Middle East with their “Arab Spring” that Vladimir Putin becomes the hero who brings order out of the chaos.
Putin, allies with Assad. His relations with Iran are improving. (Hey, you don’t see masses of people in the streets of Tehran shouting “Death to Putin! Death to Russia!”) Russia sees Syria as a strategic location. They have moved military to the Syrian border. Putin believes Obama’s fingers in the Middle East have left a vacuum that ISIS is filling. Putin is closely aligned with how many American conservatives view Obama’s bungling of it. More bungling on the next page.
From Putin’s UN speech:
Instead of the triumph of democracy and progress, we got violence, poverty and social disaster — and nobody cares a bit about human rights, including the right to life. I cannot help asking those who have forced that situation: Do you realize what you have done?”
A report at Jihad Watch answers:
No, they don’t realize what they have done, and they’re poised to do more of it. And those of us who warned at the time that the “Arab Spring” would not lead to “the triumph of democracy and progress,” but to “violence, poverty and social disaster,” were dismissed and derided as racist, bigoted “Islamophobes.” And no matter how often the establishment analysts get things wrong, and disastrously, and fatally so, they never get called to account, and keep applying the same failed solutions.
Source: Jihad Watch
Bravo! Well said.
Two choices: Either the Obama regime, who encouraged what they named the “Arab Spring” knew exactly the fallout, and wanted to destabilize the Middle East. Or the Obama regime is delusional and really thought having “JV Team”, ISIS, fill the vacuum. That’s a good thing.
Whatever you think of Putin, he is right about Obama. No easy answers, but with pro-Arab apologists like Samantha Powers as Ambassador to the UN, a real confidante, who has the ear of the President, and was one of the architects of the Arab Spring, you can bet what happens next will be more of the same.
Perhaps after Putin is through eliminating ISIS over there, we can invite him here to take on the tens of thousands of Syrian Islamists that Obama is inviting in.
Rich, I’m not sure exactly who it is that I supposedly insulted, but my own recollection is that my own extended remarks began in response to someone whose entry began by calling me an idiot. However, you’re certainly free to think what you choose.
As to your remarks concerning spending, I’ve already addressed just how long the current Prez really had “control” of Congress. So, I’m thinking–tho could be wrong– that you’re actually talking about the BUSH years and essentially suggesting that the Democratic caucus is responsible for extending comity to his agenda INSTEAD OF meeting in a hotel on HIS inauguration adopting “no” as an operating principle. I can certainly see why some DEMOCRATS might say that, but there’s obviously a problem when propounded by a member of the GOP, reducing it to a claim that “you should have stopped us”.
Do I think, as a general proposition, that Presidents tend to receive too much credit AND blame for things over which they have little or no control? Absolutely. However, my remarks were, again, in response to those by someone undertook to make claims which I consider in error–and for the reasons I gave.
Have we had unprecedented participation in the food stamp program [tho decreasing over the last several years]? Absolutely–but not exactly a surprise when the population is expanding and the program is ITSELF expanded in 2002 and again in 2008, just shortly before the biggest economic crisis since the Depression. If you think too many of the working poor qualify for food stamps, here’s an idea; raise the minimum wage.
Social Security? As a recipient, I’d love to receive more, but the COLA is controlled by a statutory formula. Beyond that, is there something that’s come from Paul Ryan, his predecessor or Mitch McConnell that makes you think the GOP caucus was ever were inclined to allow a liberalization of benefits?
I like Putin! He tells it like it is. Perhaps ne of the many reasons why He and Trump get along.
Never thought I would live to see the day when I would have more respect for the Russian president than I do for 44. 0bama is simply that much of a joke. Good riddance to him and the horse he rode in on.
Wow. Well said, Mr. Putin!
America has put up with the obama regime for 8 long years … his corruption and dishonesty almost brought us down … but the strong will survive !
Appears Obama has gone after each group that interferes with his and Soros dream “One World Order”. This is apparently methodical with NO proof, just personal revenge.
It is sad that I trust Putin more than our own government.
Comrad Trump is Putin’s puppet!!
Seems you Yanks like this crazy individual just because of Trump.
Or they were bumbling idiots! !! Go back and re read the article.